Configuration File

The configuration file provides important specifications about how the resolvedvelocities code will be run. The following table summarizes the categories and parameters that should be in the configuration file. Example values are provided where appropriate.









Input file name



Output file name



Output file path

/home/users/vvels/output/ +



Correction for frequency chirp

0.0 *


Density limits

2.0e9, 1.0e13 *


A priori covariance matrix

9.0e6,9.0e6,2.5e3 *


Altitude limits

150., 400. *


\(\chi^2\) limits

0.1, 10. *


Fit codes that can be used

1, 2, 3, 4 *


Vertices of each bin

see Velocity Bins


Altitudes of geodetic output



MARP rotation coordinates

0.0, 0.0

82.1, -31.5

82.1, -31.5


Beam code of “up-B” beam

64157 *+

65426 *+


Ion upflow correction method

UPB *+

UPB *+


Beam codes to use

64016, 64157, 64964 +


Post-integration time

180 +



Directory to save plots to


* Value is recommended for most normal use cases

+ Optional parameter

An example configuration file is provided that can be copied and adapted as necessary.

Detailed Descriptions

DATAFILE: The name of the input processed AMISR data file the algorithm should be run on. This can include a path if the file is not in the run directory. This should be a hdf5 file output from the standard AMISR fitting routine.

OUTFILENAME: The name of the output resolved velocities hdf5 data file.

OUTFILEPATH: (Optional) The path where the output resolved velocities hdf5 data file should be saved. If not provided, the file will be saved in the run directory.

CHIRP: The line-of-sight velocity correction that should be added to the measured line-of-sight velocity to correct for a frequency chirp in the radar transmit pulse. For the AMISRs, this correction is only necessary for some RISR-N experiments.

NELIM: A lower and upper limit of electron density for data that should be included in the velocity reconstruction. In general, anomalously high or low density values are an indication that the ISR fitting procedure failed and the velocity value should not be trusted. Data points with density values outside these limits will be filtered out.

COVAR: The a priori covariance matrix. This is the expected variance of velocity in each of the three apex directions (e1,e2,e3) in the ionosphere (described as \(\Sigma_\nu\) in Heinselman and Nicolls, 2008).

ALTLIM: The altitude limits (in kilometers) of data that should be included in the velocity reconstruction. The algorithm assumes that the line-of-sight velocity measured by the radar is a component of the \(\vec{E}\times\vec{B}\) plasma drift velocity with minimal plasma motion along the field line. This is roughly true for plasma motion in the main F-region, but ion-neutral collisions in the E-region rotate the plasma motion direction and ion upflow along the field lines becomes important at high altitudes, so it is important to limit the range of altitudes considered.

CHI2LIM: The lower and upper limits of \(\chi^2\) values from the processed AMISR data file that should be included in the velocity reconstruction. The \(\chi^2\) parameter indicates goodness of fit of the original ISR fitting procedure. Large values indicate excessively large errors while small values suggest “overfitting” and that the values should not be trusted even if errors are small. Data points with \(\chi^2\) values outside this range will be filtered out.

GOODFITCODE: The list of fit codes (assigned by the AMISR fitter) that indicate a successful fit. Generally, fit codes \(\le 0\) or \(\ge 5\) mean the fit failed and that point should be excluded.

BINVERT: The list of vertices that define each bin. These should be given in magnetic coordinates. See the Velocity Bins page for more details about how to specify these.

OUTALT: The list of altitudes (in kilometers) at which geodetic components of the output velocity and electric field should be calculated at. The output files contain the Apex components, which are constant along magnetic field lines, but for convenience, geodetic components are also included for a discrete grid defined by the locations of the bin centers and this output altitude array.

MARPROT: The rotation coordinates for the MARP coordinate system.

UPB_BEAMCODE: (Optional) Beam code for the beam pointing directly up the magnetic field. Some radar modes may not include an “up-B” beam. The RISR-N field-of-view is tilted too far North for any beam to be oriented along the magnetic field, so config files written for RISR-N experiments should NEVER include this field.

IONUP: (Optional) The method used to calculate and correct for any ion upflow component of the velocity.

USE_BEAMS: (Optional) A list of specific beam codes that should be used for the velocity reconstruction. If this field is omitted, all available beams from the experiment will be used.

INTTIME: (Optional) Post-integration period (in seconds) that should be used to reconstruct vectors for a single time stamp in the output file. Because the input processed data has discrete time stamps (usually on a cadence greater than one minute), the output file will typically not have exactly this resolution unless an integration time is selected that is an exact multiple of the cadence of the input data file. Instead, the code will post-integrate the smallest number of input time stamps that cover a period greater than or equal to the specified integration time. If this parameter is omitted, the native times of the input file are used (no post-integration).

PLOTSAVEDIR: The path for a directory output summary plots should be saved in.